Slide of the month (SOTM) June. Key capabilities of German firms in Nigeria

This slide shows the result of a recent study of one of africon´s employees. The aim was to identify firm capabilities, that have an impact on various aspects of performance of German companies operating in Nigeria. The study was based on existing research findings, as well as a survey of senior staff of 40 German firms operating in the country with at least one appointed distributor (or own staff etc.). As only very few German firms are invested in large own local structures, it emerged that especially the marketing capability in terms of brand building, gathering market intelligence and strong sales channels are key for success locally. Efforts by the German firms can be supported by strong partners – leaving all the work to these partners is however not enough.  Interestingly, factors such as adapting products to local needs, lobbying the German or Nigerian government, as well as attending Nigeria focused trade shows did not have a significant impact.

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