The Manifestation of Interest. Kenyan-German TVET Intiative

africon GmbH signs the Manifestation of Interest along with many other multinational organisations such as Siemens, VW Group, Robert Bosch and Toyota.

The manifestation of interest is a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kenya, German Financial and Technical Cooperation and the Private sector Companies and Associations.  The agreement is originated during the bilateral government negotiations in September 2016 in Berlin, the Kenyan and the German delegation agreed to establish “Sustainable, Economic, Development – promotion of Youth Employment and TVET” as a new priority area of cooperation. The objective of the Kenyan-German initiative is to boost youth employment in Kenya by offering industry oriented technical and vocational training in close cooperation with the private sector.

The private sector companies agree to contribute by defining training contents and participating actively in the development of industry specific vocational standards. Furthermore, the private sector will assist with further training of vocational teachers from the network and provide opportunities for practical training of students through a combination of industrial attachments, work-based learning and prospectively apprenticeships.

africon is very happy and proud to be part of this initiative and is looking forward to participating the next steps with contributions to the training guidelines as well as with potential workshops and seminars and, of course, own inhouse training within the company.

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