Slide of the month (SOTM) December. The dairy industry in Ghana

A considerable amount of prominent global players dominate the food and beverage industry in Africa. africon did a market analysis for an European food company interested in understanding the industry in Ghana. The aim of the project was to understand the different segments and to find areas of opportunities. In our research, we looked at the dairy industry in Ghana. We found out that the market is dominated by imported processed products. Per capita milk consumption is low at 8 kg compared to Africa’s average of 35 kg. Based on the findings, africon was able to provide an overview of the application industry for our client and give strategic recommendations. We identified key players and partners to provide direction for future sales efforts in the region.

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Read previous SOTMs (Slides of the month) here.

Slide of the month (SOTM) November. Government health care expenditure in East Africa

Slide of the month (SOTM) October. The printing industry in West Africa

Slide of the month (SOTM) September. The Nigerian rail industry

Slide of the month (SOTM) August. The Nigerian automotive industry

Slide of the month (SOTM) July. The age of vehicles in operation in Nigeria

We are doing a series titled Overcoming common challenges when creating your 2024 Africa strategy [...]

Read more slides of the month here: