We would like to invite you to the COVID-19: A trigger for MedTech & LabTech market development in East Africa webinar.
It will take place on 2nd July 2020. 11:00 am – 12:45 pm EAT (East African Time) or 10:00 am – 11:45 am CEST (Central European Summer Time). It will be conducted by Dr. Franz von Roenne, EZ-Scout at SPECTARIS, africon GmbH and East African Health Platform (EAHP). Aneth Herman, Junior Consultant- africon, will be giving insights on the EAC MedTech and LabTech market size, major players and potential partnerships between local and international companies.
In this free webinar, you will learn how the COVID-19 virus is changing the demands for medical and laboratory technology. The findings will be presented by the SPECTARIS association partner East African Health Platform, an umbrella organisation of the non-governmental health industry in the 6 member countries of the EAC: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Southern Sudan.
You will get an overview of trends and perspectives in the region and get to know the viewpoint of users through hospital managers and/or investors from three of the countries. Although the crisis is still in full swing, it is already becoming clear in East Africa that technological changes which are underway, but overdue, will be accelerated by COVID-19.
Contributors are: Dr. Thomas Walter (head of the BMZ-funded project Support to Regional Industrial Value Addition in the EAC and an expert on the economy and economic policy of the EAC), a representative of a large regional investor in health care facilities, CEOs of private hospitals, and, on the topic of business models, a senior manager of a producer of life science technology in the EAC.
We are looking forward to your registration, which you can make via this link.