africon and the Mittelstandsindex Afrika (SME Index Africa) featured on AfrikaContact-Magazin

Africa is considered an emerging continent that offers businesses various opportunities to invest successfully. In order to help German small and medium sized enterprises (the “Mittelstand”) to enter the African markets, the BRS Institute at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (HBRS), africon GmbH, the Federal Association of Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW) and Nexia International released the “Mittelstandsindex Afrika” (SME Index Africa).

Just recently, the AfrikaContact-Magazin ran a feature on the “Mittelstandsindex“ . africon was able to share the application of the index in the context of our client projects. Some of the questions we answered addressed the importance of the index for companies and how to use it for successful country prioritization.

Download the magazine and read more about some insights we shared.

Learn more about the Mittelstandsindex here.

At africon, we are excited to announce another step in our journey of growth and [...]

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