2021 marks africon’s 10th anniversary!

If your company reaches its 10th birthday, there is cause for celebration.

At africon, we’re excited to be celebrating our 10 years anniversary today!
The story of africon began 10 years ago and it has been a decade of growth. We’re grateful for a multitude of projects on the continent. We have been doing market research, offering market entry strategies, implementing projects on the ground and handling business development in countries in Africa.

The past decade has been very integral to the africon team. It has seen us grow in skills, team size, network size and project size. For this amazing journey, we would like to thank all our clients, our present and former staff and board members, a vast range of partners and finally, a huge network of individuals and firms we engaged with in Africa.
See some of our successful projects from key sectors here.

Messages from the team

The africon team has been the driving force behind africon’s success. Their passion, skills and commitment have fueled the company to greater heights.

Here are some messages from them.

Marc Zander, Founder and CEO

What an amazing experience! Bridging Potentials with Africa and for Africa has been the driving purpose for me in all the 10 years. It is great to see that the vision became a real business and that I had the opportunity, pleasure, and honor to meet so many friends, clients, business partners who liaised with me. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this venture and I look forward to bridging more potentials in the future!

Erik Deitersen, Principal

Happy birthday to africon! Having first joined the team in 2014, it has been a great journey for the company, but also for myself.

I think we came a very long way from our humble beginning, until today. I look forward to many more exciting years of consulting our clients about their business in Africa.

Harrison Mwaura, Senior Consultant

It has been a decade of amazing work by africon and all the credit goes to each and every one that put in the hard work to make it happen. On this special day, I am happy to be part of africon’s journey and look forward to achieving even more in the coming decade. Happy 10th year anniversary to africon.

Rhoda Berger, Senior Consultant

It is a great experience to have joined a company that has built a success story over the past decade. africon has provided people a better understanding of a diverse continent with enormous potential for the future. It has also encouraged and guided them towards new markets.

I am looking forward to exciting new projects with inspiring clients and to continue building bridges!

Aneth Herman, Junior Consultant

It is very exciting to be part of africon as we turn 10 years. Being with the company has made so much positive developments for me career wise. I am grateful and always enjoying working with africon. Indeed, the future is bright for africon.

Yeni Fowotade, Junior Consultant

Our growth and overall success story are quite interesting. I am proud of africon’s journey, how well we have developed in the past 10 years, and the picture of our future position as a company. It has been an exciting experience for me working with africon on breaking through and striving for the best in all we do. I am confident of how much more we will achieve together as we face the next decade.

Monika Gerdes, Office Manager

Founding africon 10 years ago has been a great and innovative idea, full of passion, trust and power. This has been inspiring me from the beginning. I am looking forward to what lies ahead of us. Bridging potentials is what africon is all about and that is what I experience every day at africon. I couldn’t be happier.

Jean Wandimi, Business Analyst & Head of Marketing

I am so grateful to be part of such a great team like africon as we hit this 10-year milestone. After successfully completing 100+ projects in Africa, I believe that were also destined for more breakthroughs. I look forward to seeing africon become the most reputable consulting company for Africa worldwide.

Amamchukwu Okafor, Business Analyst

It is intriguing to have joined a company genuinely interested in the potentials of the African continent. I believe the last 10 years have been of winning businesses, persuading investments and risk-shy investors to look to Africa. It has been a decade of success stories for firms that have successfully established and grown in Africa through africon. I am only optimistic about the next years!

Kwame Gyamfi, Business Analyst

Wow! It has been ten years of bridging potentials and presenting Africa as the next frontier of growth to investors. I am happy to be part of the team which is providing reliable market data and strategy to companies looking at the African market.

I look forward to more exciting projects in the next decade!

Lara Rösler, Working Student

It’s impressive what a development africon has made over the past 10 years. During my short time at africon, I have already had so many wonderful experiences. africon still has so much potential and I am more than happy to be part of africon and to be able to accompany africon on its further journey.

We will be sharing more info about the history of africon in subsequent news posts. If you would like to share your message to africon, please send us an email at info@africon.de

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