Slide of the month (SOTM) February. Vehicles in operation in East African countries

Africa’s automotive market contains excellent opportunities for international companies.

africon recently completed a project for a producer of automotive and industrial components. A key question to gauge the market size for the client was the size of vehicle fleets (vehicles in operation/ VIO) in East Africa. In East Africa, Kenya had the largest vehicle fleet with 1.8 m vehicles in operation.

africon provided the client with a comprehensive overview of the market and clear recommendations on utilizing opportunities locally.

Read previous SOTMs (Slides of the month) here.

Slide of the month (SOTM) January. Estimated number of converters in select countries in Africa

Slide of the month (SOTM) December. The dairy industry in Ghana

Slide of the month (SOTM) November. Government health care expenditure in East Africa

Slide of the month (SOTM) October. The printing industry in West Africa

Slide of the month (SOTM) September. The Nigerian rail industry

We are doing a series titled Overcoming common challenges when creating your 2024 Africa strategy [...]

Read more slides of the month here: