In a recent episode of Business Compact (the insightful podcast dedicated to the creation, scaling, and internationalization of businesses), Marc Zander (Founder & CEO, africon) takes centre stage to share invaluable insights. With over 11 years of experience advising more than 160 companies on their Africa strategy, africon is fast becoming the leading accelerator for businesses engaging with the African market.
Through features with leading media, we often share our expertise and industry data extracted from projects we implement.
In this podcast, Tobias Kerkhoff and Marc Zander dissect the following topics and help you;
- Learn the biggest challenges and opportunities for companies doing business in Africa.
- Explore the most promising sectors for German companies in Africa through practical examples.
- Uncover the reasons why companies should consider expanding to Africa right now.
- Learn more about how africon organised the recent delegation trip of the Ministry of Rhineland-Palatinate to Rwanda.
- Understand the significance of collaboration with political institutions, including GIZ, GTAI, and German Chambers of Commerce (Abroad), in fostering successful business endeavours in Africa.
- Join the discussion on the future of Africa, encapsulated in three impactful words, as Marc Zander shares his visionary perspective on the continent’s trajectory.
For businesses eager to grow in Africa, this podcast episode serves as a gateway to gaining insights into the markets.
Listen to the podcast below
If you have any questions, you can write us at info@africon.de
Related links
Feature: How do you find the right partners when setting up a business in Africa?
Podcast feature: Where can German medium-sized companies focus today?