Now that we are in a new year, it may be time to take a keen look at your company strategy. If your strategy involves an entry into the African markets, then you need to look at the Mittelstandsindex Afrika. In order to help German small and medium sized enterprises (the “Mittelstand”) to enter the African markets, the BRS Institute at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS), africon GmbH, the Federal Association of Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW) and Nexia International released the “Mittelstandsindex Afrika” (SME Index Africa).
The “Mittelstandsindex Afrika” provides a rating for 34 African countries, which cover 96 percent of the continent’s economic output. Based on a variety of weighted criteria, the index summarizes the attractiveness of African countries in an overall rating specifically tailored to the needs of German SMEs. The ratings allow companies to estimate the attractiveness of business activity in the respective country.
Many companies are already using the tool to prioritize the countries. To learn more, have a look here .
Mittelstandsindex Afrika Website