Cédrick Lukusa participates in panel of Africa Business Forum in Cologne

Cédrick Lukusa, Principal at africon participated as panalist in the 5th Africa Business Forum. Within the discussion on Africa Mr. Lukusa shared insights of ongoing projects, news on latest company Africa strategies and shared sector insights related to the steel and aluminium industry.

The Forum brought together government, business and finance leaders from acrooss Africa and Germany/EU to explore how the can work together in finding and leveraging business opportunity.

The forum has organized in partnership with the Association of German Family-Owned Businesses BJU/ASU -http://www.familienunternehmer.eu- and Africa 2.0 -http://www.africa2point0.org.

The target was to establish business partnerships via engagement and business exchange between African and German/EU companies and entrepreneurs. Thanks to the strategic support of the German Chamber of Commerce and the Federal Parliarment, the forum has an extensive outreach which includes the 4000  members of the Die Familienunternehmer.

We are doing a series titled Overcoming common challenges when creating your 2024 Africa strategy [...]

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