africon’s presence in Big 5 Construct Nigeria

Construction projects in Nigeria are not only getting bigger but more complex in nature. Some key drivers for the growth of the construction industry are economic development, urbanization, industrialization, and the expansion of the middle class. We have worked on more than 20 projects in the construction market across Africa over the last few years. Our key project sectors that intersect with construction are mechanical engineering and building materials. Our Nigerian team, represented by Taiwo Kehinde, visited the Big 5 Construct which took place from 27th – 29th September 2022 in Landmark Centre, Lagos.

Big 5 Construct Nigeria brought together companies in fields such as building interiors, finishes, building materials, digital construction and smart buildings and buildings services. It also contained talks from professionals in the business. Exhibitors included local and foreign companies (from countries such as Italy, India, Turkey, Spain and Poland).

The Nigerian team leveraged the opportunity to share insights and discuss with industry experts. Mr. Kehinde notes that, “the event provided a positive outlook on the development of Nigeria’s construction industries”. We look forward to more engagements.

We are excited to expand our presence in South Africa, one of the continent’s largest [...]

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