Event recap: “Speak to our Africa Experts” event a success

We had invited you to our event, Speak to our Africa Experts, which happened on February 8th and 9th, 2022. In this event, you had the chance to speak to our sector experts about the opportunities and challenges for your business in Africa.

In the individual tailored meetings and virtual expert talks, 32 companies discovered the opportunities for their business in Africa. Our sector experts worked out the options, assessed the prospects of success, and clarified the most important questions. The event was a huge success, and we had interactive, value-packed sessions.

You are probably positioned firmly worldwide and plan to expand in Africa as your next growth frontier. Or you are already in a few African countries and plan to expand to more in 2022. If you missed this great opportunity, you could still reach out to us at info@africon.de, and we will be happy to discuss more with you.

We are doing a series titled Overcoming common challenges when creating your Africa strategy, and [...]