From 4th to 10th May 2017 africon GmbH was present with a stand at the worldwide leading trade fair on packaging solutions – the „interpack“ in Düsseldorf, Germany. There, africon had the chance to proof itself in three roles: presenting as itself, being one of the leading consulting companies with sole focus on the African region, as the new official foreign representative of Messe Düsseldorf for the East African region and as one of the major partners of Messe Düsseldorf in the organisation of the “Food Processing and Packaging Exposyum” (FPPE). In all three roles interpack was a major success for africon. Being able personally meet quite a number of international companies that were very much interested in the African market in general and in participating in FPPE in particular.
One of the highlights certainly was our “African Get Together” which we organized at our stand to bring together 34 international exhibitors and a number of African visitors, amongst them a delegation from Ghana of 26 participants.

“Food Processing and Packaging Exposyum” (FPPE)
africon is one of the major partners of Messe Düsseldorf in the organisation of the FPPE in Kenya, which is the little African brother of interpack and will take place this November in Nairobi. The FPPE in Kenya offers first-grade contacts with stakeholders in the food and agribusiness industry on international level, access to the lucrative and growing East African market, a better understanding of market specific requirements and a lot more.

The Mango Project
As another highlight our daily 20 minutes presentation at the stage of the Innovation Park Pavilion needs to be mentioned. Here the Kenyan member of our advisory board, Mrs Tei Mukunya, CEO of Azuri Health Ltd, who was joining us during the whole duration of interpack got offered the opportunity to present the great success of “The Mango Project”, one of the main projects of the SAVE FOOD initiative which is patronized by Messe Düsseldorf. Aim of this project, which is coordinated by africon, is to reduce the yearly loss of 30.000 T of Mango in Kenya by producing & packaging dried mango slices in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.
Find here Tei Mukunyas presentation:
Azuri Interpack presentation May 2017_Final
Listen to a radio feature in German language here:

africon is able to convince
But not only was Azuri Health given the opportunity to present at the Innovation Park Pavilion, also Mr Marc Zander, CEO of africon GmbH was offered a speaker slot to present the great potential for international companies that lies within the packaging industry in Sub-Sahara Africa.
Both presentations were a great success. And the otherwise quite deserted benches in front of the stage filled quite quickly when Marc and Tei where sharing their interesting insights into the African food processing and packaging market.