
We are proud to announce that africon GmbH and Wolk After Sales Experts are joining [...]

According to Jean Wandimi, africon Kenya, the international trade fair « agrofood & plastprintpack Ethiopia [...]

The agrofood event took place alongside the plastprintpack event from the 26th to 28th of [...]

In the past months africon conducted two market assessment projects and one very successful business [...]

From 4th to 10th May 2017 africon GmbH was present with a stand at the [...]

Export- and Investment potential for Africa was the motto for the 4th German- Africa forum [...] XCOM Africa, a consulting company with sole focus on Africa evaluated the mango supply [...]

StarlingExpo, a trade showorganiser based in Switzerland forms a long-term co-operation with XCOM Africa, a [...]

African economies and businesses demonstrate an immense potential. Especially, Nigeria is a vantage point to [...]

africon was selected as a knowledge partner for EMWA (Equipment & Manufacturing West Africa) which [...]