The SME Market Attractiveness Index Signing Ceremony

The BRS Market Attractiveness Index is intended to help companies select attractive African markets for potential market entries and raises awareness for the African continent. The index will support companies in the early stages of their market entry decision with profound knowledge and helps them plan the next steps of their market entry.

The index uses the combined knowledge of the following parties who officially signed the co-operation document:

  • BRS Institute of International Studies – representing the academic research
  • africon GmbH – representing the local market knowledge in Africa as well as the consulting expertise with having supported more than 60 clients on their way to Africa
  • BVMW, the Federal Association of SMEs in Germany, – representing the interests and expectations from German SMEs
  • Ebner Stolz – representing tax and accountancy research

The BMAISA (BRS Market Attractiveness Index SME Africa) will fill the market gap between consultancies and publicly available information. It provides more customized market information, as companies become more involved in a market entry.

Prior to the signing ceremony, the World Café workshop was held in collaboration with the four parties signing the contract during the event to give the opportunity to participants to discuss the important issues for the development of a German SME specific index and how such an index can support companies in ways that are currently not available.
The workshop provided insights on the following questions:

  • What are key skills and resource constrains faced by SMEs when entering the African Markets?
  • What are key advantages of SMEs compared to larger firms
  • Which aspects of market environments in African countries are particularly important for a successful market entry

The index through its unique features will offer SMEs a perfect start to plan a successful market entry to Africa.

We are doing a series titled Overcoming common challenges when creating your Africa strategy, and [...]