Messe Düsseldorf decides for XCOM Africa

As one of the largest trade fairs organizers in the industry, Messe Düsseldorf awarded XCOM Africa GmbH with a contract to carry out a market research about the food packaging & processing industry in East Africa. According to Mr. Bernd Jablonowski, Director interpack, “the local staff in Kenya and the diversified contacts in the region, were crucial factors why the Messe Düsseldorf chose XCOM Africa”.
Within its research, the consulting company XCOM Africa defined the problems of the industry and concluded that innovative solutions are a key to future success in Africa. At the end of the project, relevant partners of the industry were named and a detailed database was presented.
The database outlined important points of contacts within the food processing and packaging industry and furthermore, relevant decision maker in charge within government and non-governmental-organizations. Due to the high potential presented in the study, Messe Düsseldorf decided to organize the “Food Processing & Packaging Exposyum” in Nairobi (Kenya). The event is taking place from the 26th to the 28th November 2013 at the Kenyatta International Conference Center in Nairobi. East African food processing and packaging companies, as well as German and international machine manufacturers will discuss new products, ideas and solutions of the sector.
On the basis of the detailed database, potential participants for the upcoming “Food Processing & Packaging Exposyum” could be directly addressed – an important prerequisite for , people in charge in the relevant industry, Government and international organizations having the opportunity to successfully exchange information during the exhibition.

We are doing a series titled Overcoming common challenges when creating your Africa strategy, and [...]