Marc-Peter Zander,
PDG du cabinet Africon
A la tête d’Africon, un cabinet qui conseille les entreprises allemandes souhaitant s’implanter en Afrique, Marc Zander figurait dans le panel des intervenants du Germany-Africa Business Forum, qui s’est tenu fin mars à Francfort. Pour Forbes Afrique, il évoque les opportunités d’affaires qu’offre le continent, tout autant que la grande prudence des investisseurs allemands. Morceaux choisis.
(Marc-Peter Zander,
CEO of africon
At the head of africon, a company that advises German companies that want to settle in Africa, Marc Zander presented himself to the trade fair participants of the Germany-Africa Business Forum, which was held in Frankfurt at the end of March. For Forbes Africa, he discusses the business opportunities offered by the continent as well as the caution of German investors. Excerpts.
Find the original articel here
L’Afrique et l’Allemagne – Interview Marc Zender
Find an english translation of Marc Zanders answers here