Slide of the month (SOTM) July. Africa’s top 10 countries leading the solar energy transformation

Solar energy is becoming increasingly important across Africa as the continent seeks to harness its abundant natural resources to meet growing energy demands.

Many of our clients frequently seek insights into Africa’s solar industry. In a recent project, we leveraged data and insights from the ABiQ platform, which monitors over $7 trillion worth of projects across Africa and the Middle East. We identified that approximately 260 large, utility-scale solar projects are either planned or already underway on the African continent. Interestingly, about half of these projects are already under construction, with the remaining ones in various stages of development. South Africa is leading with over 22.35% of solar project share.

Our extensive research and insights help clients identify strategic markets and connect with key players for smoother market entry. At africon, we provide tailored insights and strategies to help companies succeed in Africa’s solar sector.

What is your potential in Africa? Contact us at to learn more.


If you want to explore some of the most prominent solar projects currently underway, ABiQ also provides an overview of Africa’s top 10 solar projects. You can check out the list here.

Read previous SOTMs (Slides of the month) here

Slide of the Month (SOTM) June. Which bottled water sizes are most popular in Kenya?

Slide of the month (SOTM) May. Mapping the sports market in Africa

Slide of the month (SOTM) April. Libya, Sudan, Zambia, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and South Africa have the highest score in forex availability in Africa

Slide of the month (SOTM) March. ABiQ predicts that Q2 and Q3 2024 will be key quarters for Africa’s construction sector

Slide of the month (SOTM) February. Which three countries account for approximately 40% of Africa’s commercial real estate market value?

We are excited to expand our presence in South Africa, one of the continent’s largest [...]

Read more slides of the month here: